Rick Santorum Is Not Healthy For Society
It's frankly impossible for me to adequately express my utter disdain for Mr. Santorum. He is a person who will tear down and destroy others in order to further his own repressive, backward agenda. He has chosen to aim his hatred at a historically-oppressed minority in order to gather a coalition of the hateful, ignorant, and needlessly frightened. This, Mr. Santorum, is not the best America can offer. Neither you nor the ideology your spout represents the American Dream. Instead, your words reek of the nostalgia of the bigot: "Oh, those were good times when the "right" people were in charge. . ."
Time has marched on, Mr. Santorum. Our trajectory is toward progress, toward expanding and extending human rights. You're on the losing end of this fight, and I pity you and those like you. It's just a shame that you cannot choose to be on the right side of History. But, if you did, whom would you hate next?
“Everybody in America should have the same rights, and I would agree with that. Everyone in America should have rights that are endowed to them by the Creator, those are unalienable rights. And your son, just like everyone else here, has those unalienable rights.There are certain things that government does that gives people privileges in order to promote activity that are healthy for society and are best for society. And those things we promote would give people advantages or benefits, government benefits because we think that is healthy activity. Mothers and fathers coming together, forming healthy marriages, having children and raising those children. Every American child has the right, and the government should support the right to have and know their mother and father and be raised by their mother and father.” -- Rick Santorum, 2012 (not 1912)