Density is where it's at: San Francisco

I'm proud to live in a highly dense city. I actually feel sorry for those who don't. Walking along the streets of San Francisco, I see and experience things in a matter of blocks that other people in less dense parts of the world might not see in days or weeks--or ever. Forget joining the military to see the world; just move to San Francisco! Vive la densité!


Graeme said…
Why the fuck would we move to the South?! What a terrible idea. Who wants to live in a swamp surrounded by people with outrageous accents?
Unknown said…
i love living in cities, but SF is really full and sometimes i do feel crowded just walking down the street. claustrophobic-ish..esp with slow walkers. but yay cities anyway!
toddx said…
I hear you, Merri. There are times I want to scream. But, that's part of the crazy fun of it all, I think.
Rachael said…
This kid of statistic fascinates me!

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