Brunch at home: All the fun plus dirty dishes!

Because of the impassable snow-packed streets in SF, the BF and I decided to make breakfast, then lunch, (hey, let's call it brunch) at home today. He put the ingredient list together for me and I bundled up in my sealskin parka, hooked up the dogs to the sled, and trekked to the grocery store. Despite the blizzard-like conditions, I was able to find the ingredients to recreate the Catalan-style eggs and greens we like to get at Blue Bottle Mint Plaza. We used mustard greens and fire-roasted tomatoes, and I couldn't resist getting a loaf of multi-grain bread to sop up the juices. Plus, the whole thing was probably less than 300 calories. Yay! Now I can eat that tray of brownies that's calling my name. Bon appétit!
Soft Polenta
Cured Prather Ranch Ham,
Bellwether Ricotta, & Rosemary