Jersey Circus: Is the Mashup Meme Getting Out of Hand?

As the blog says, "At last, Jersey Shore and Family Circus come together." But, perhaps it's time to ask if we've had enough of the mashup yet? Has the post-modern bricolage peaked? Is this just one more sign of our civilization's waning creativity?
Or, when you read something like the cartoon from Jersey Circus above, does it still have the endless power to amuse?
I'll admit it: I laughed. Sue me. I knew Fredric Jameson. And you, sir, are no Fredric Jameson.
Our Mission
We strive to reconcile our guilty delight in Jersey Shore, a bastion of trash, with our eye-rolling fondness for the Family Circus. We do this by juxtaposing the two in a very literal sense. We think you'll agree that something important is being done here.