Things people hate or love: Seagulls, homophobes and/or racists

Based on the traffic to my blog, my post Hating Seagulls is like being racist or homophobic is easily the most popular thing I've posted in months. Is there a huge pro-seagull rights movement out there?

So, seagull-loving/hating visitors, welcome! Stay awhile and enjoy. Leave a little comment and a cookie. Or cake. I like cake.


Graeme said…
William Bennett of Whitehouse is fascinated by gulls, so maybe he is driving traffic?
toddx said…
That's an interesting factoid, Graeme. I have long suspected Bill Bennett of being a closeted IT&S reader. Come out, Bill! It's fine. People expect you to love sarcasm.
Paul Blanchard said…
Just having the headline from your blog appear in my sidebar got me more viewers than I've ever had. So much so I had to actually write an article on the subject. And a Predator parody. So thanks very much!
Anonymous said…
The post is pretty high up in Google results for "Hating Seagulls is like being racist or homophobic." I was trying to find some background on that image (like, who wrote that article and where did the image come from), but unfortunately the next 20 pages of Google results are reposts on various blogs.
toddx said…
Anon, I know. I believe the paper is British. That's all I "know."
toddx said…
I originally found it here:

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