Do you object to open relationships?

Today's story on open relationships in the gay community has caused some interesting reactions among SF Gate readers and more than one of my friends.
A friend of a friend had this reaction:
Lame!How can you call yourself a "couple" when you're fucking someone else? "Open relationship" is just a phrase they use to justify being a whore but calling it whatever they need to call it to make themselves feel better. If the sexua...l "spark" with a partner isn't enough to satisfy, it would make sense to find another partner. Seems like fags just want to have their cake and eat it too, maybe as payback for all of our "rough times growing up."I feel like open relationships are copouts, the article should have been called "45 percent of gay men don't believe in love." I'm just happy the other 45 percent may still believe in monogamy and longterm loving relationships, until of course they do another study. They'll all burn in the fiery pits for their lack of commitment to their partners, but then again who am I to judge? I'm single and wouldn't know a thing.
My response?
The problem with the article isn't the premise; it's that the premise is only applied to gay couples. Please note the 50% divorce rate and this graphic: gay couples have found a way to navigate the artificial construct of marriage in a way that is more successful than heterosexual divorce-addicts, then I say kudos.
What do you think?
that I think adds to the discussion.
@sean: clearly, you don't live in Argentina!
@Dixie: truly and fully. Too much commitment for me.
@samuel: I have little doubt there is a political agenda behind such heteronormative "studies."