You must follow this blog: nomadic tendencies

Angie and I used to work together a million and a half years ago. She left the U.S. to explore the far-flung reaches of the world, while I moved to SF. Each day, we both get to see amazing things. I, for instance, remember seeing someone shooting up in an alley shortly after I moved back to SF and using a tissue to mop up the blood. Now that's not something you'll see in the Lonely Planet guide. Unlike Ange, though, I have neither the camera nor the skill to fully capture the beauty (and horror) around me. Her "Photo a Day" series never fails to amuse, delight, and enlighten me. Check it out.
And this steamy cup of whatnot must have some caffeine in it. So, it just belongs here.
I miss you, Angie! I hope you're having an amazing adventure.
You are way too sweet and now I'm feeling the pressure to actually produce decent photographs. Yet to see anything as full on as a someone shooting up in an alley, but 5 people and the family dog on a motorbike doesn't seem to freak me out so much anymore. If only they'd stay still long enough for me to get the photograph!