Goodbye Jake

My nephew Jake passed away this morning, so it's a sad day for my family. He just turned 20 this weekend, but he had been struggling for months with a crazy illness that took him and our family by surprise. In the end, the HLH (Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis) was too much for him--for all of us really. Now, I'm just worried about my brother and his wife. They've been through so much with all the ups and downs of hope and despair. The pain of outliving a child must be nearly unbearable, but I hope they know we're all ready to support and comfort them.
If you have a second or two today, give Jake a moment of silence and reflection or lift a glass in his honor. Then do something nice for someone--friend, stranger, family or foe. Smile unexpectedly. Hold the door. Leave a quarter at the car wash. Give her the bigger slice of pie. I think Jake would have liked all those things.
I'll let by gones be by gones with a certain individual (who I know stole my pinky ring), my little tribute to Jake.