Ralph Lauren models are just naturally thin

RL models are naturally thin. . . in an alternate universe, that is -- a universe governed by Photoshop and distorted views of the female body. When I see this photo-disaster, I think of the aliens that emerged from the spaceship in "Close Encounters of the Third Kind." They were all pale with gangly arms and legs. You know, like the women exiting the bars in Manhattan.
This chick takes the cake, though. Then she eats it, barfs, and gargles with Listerine. I'm grossed out by looking at her enormous head. And those jeans!! But, I'm not here to judge her fashion sense, just the evil corporate vision that compelled a photographer, a model, a modeling agency, and some poor production artist to squish and pinch and mutilate her body all for the glory of RL Blue Label.
Keep your ponies, Ralph. We don't need them. Better yet, shoot the horses, have a BBQ and feed your dying models.