Controversy! Water polo team + car wash = Speedo Sinfest

There's an odd kerfuffle brewing Northgate High School. You see, a group of boys from the school's water polo team decided to host a car wash to raise some money. It sounds innocent enough, but you're forgetting the "sin" factor. You see, these young men had the audacity (and marketing genius) to conduct the car wash while wearing their regulation uniforms, i.e., Speedos. (Now do you see the "sin" factor"?)
Despite the fact that this technique is common among girls and women doing the same thing, the patriarchy is not amused when people of any gender seek to undermine the tools of its domination. Men do the gazing; they are not gazed upon. This must not be tolerated. Delicate creatures these men, no?
Or do people just hate water polo? Perhaps I'm reading too much into this.
Nevertheless, I'm going to assume that water polo warms the cockles of Walnut Creek and these guys just needed to raise a little dough to buy a new water polo ball or net or something. I'm also of the opinion that you might as well show it off before you're old and ugly and no one wants to touch you. And, yes, sex sells. But, it's only our prudish position toward the human body that immediately makes us think about sex when we see a little skin. These guys swim and play in their Speedos all the time. People watch them by the hundreds (dozens?) and I don't think security has to hold back throngs of would-be rapists.
Here's the deal: they thought it was cool and funny and a little sexy. And I hope it worked for them. Next time, have a car wash at 18th and Castro, boys, and the response will be overwhelmingly positive.
Hey, thanks for following btw. Returned the follow. I'll catch up on your blog eventually...