Everybody purge now!

It was an odd sign to find in a restaurant, but I was offended by its anti-caloric mandate. How dare the Chow proprietors tell me what to eat! I paid my bill, now pass the gravy!!
Seriously, it's a real sign in the Lafayette Chow. I don't know what they're thinking, but it didn't affect my Chow experience. I started with a cup of potato fennel soup. It was tasty and it renewed my desire to learn how to make soup. Rand and I also split the spinach salad--spinach, apples, candied walnuts and other goodies. For my entree I had a small order of fusilli. I ate every bit. When asked, we all told the waitress, No dessert.
Then we left Chow, walked to Coldstone Creamery and gorged on ice cream. I shared the "Pie who loved me" with Rand. I thought the cheesecake ice cream was a little too strong.
Now, as I head back to the city with the tune to "Everybody dance now" running through my head, I have a new appreciation for bulemics. Everybody purge now!!