Insults for Travelers

• The Spanish: "Suck butter from my ass" (Chupe mantequilla de mi culo): Yup, I've heard this one many times -- I didn't know it came from another most commonly used insult here "I shit in the milk" (me cago en la leche), which is insulting because milk comes from your mother and you drink it, so obviously taking a crap in it is just an outright offence.
• The Arabs: "A thousand dicks in your religion" (Elif air ab dinikh): Ouch.
• The Irish: "He's as thick as a bull's walt" (that is, as dumb as an erect bull penis).
• The Bulgarians: "Let a hungry Carpathian long-haired she-wolf blow your dick, fuck" (Gladna Karpatska valchitza s dalag kosam minet da ti prai deeba): I'm not quite sure how good that translation is, but yikes...
• The Chinese: "Fuck the 18 generations of your ancestors" (Cao ni zu zong shi ba dai): Wow, that's a curse that insults everything you stand for!
• The Icelanders: "Grandfatherfucker" (Afatottari): I'm surprised that hasn't carried over to the English language.
• The Armenians: "I'll make sarma with your penis' skin" (Glirit mortin hed sarma shinem).
• The Serbians: "May God give you to search for your children with a Geiger counter" (Da bog da trazio detzoo Gaygerovim broyachem): I totally don't understand this one.
• The Romanians: "Stick your hand in my ass and jerk off with my shit" (Sa-mi bagi mana-n cur si sa-mi faci laba la cacat): BY FAR THE WORST I HAVE EVER HEARD.
I believe that the Serbian comment has less to do with you then the state of your children where you would need a geiger counter to find them.