Yes, it's true. I'm sick. I went for a checkup about 1 1/2 weeks ago, and I probably caught it there. Just when I was rejoicing over my clean bill of health, I started getting a headache and bodyache. Great. Just what I needed. I had a fever yesterday and the night before. Today I feel a little better: I think the fever broke. But, my headache (3 days now) is still there and it's still painful to move around.
So, my advice to you all: break out the SARS face masks and get your flu shot this year.
As for the flu shot ... Back in the early to mid 70's when they first started giving them my mama made an appointment for the both of us to get one, three days before we where to go one of her girlfriends died from a reaction to flu shot, needless to say mama cancelled our appointment and since then I've never had one. I also haven't set foot inside a Dr's office since 1978 but that's another story.