Tea, Glorious Tea

I am, as you may have discerned, a fan of iced tea. This is also pretty evident at work. I used to get iced tea every morning for breakfast at Starbucks before going to work. Then, during the day, I would go to Peet's for more tea. It got noticed.

Now that we've moved our offices farther down into SOMA, there's nothing around. Starbucks is too far to be convenient. And no Peet's!!! People actually make Peet's runs now in their cars--those lucky few who have cars.

Well, I came to work a couple weeks ago to find the Bodum Iced Tea pitcher you see above. Dan, our Controller, bought it for me at Peet's (I had to figure this out; he didn't leave a note or anything.) Normally, Dan is crabby or tries to portray himself as such. But, now I know: he's a softy. And he understands the religion of Caffeine.

Praise be to Caffeine. Holy holy holy.

And, thanks, Dan. You're the best.


Darling, I'm just astonished, you're saying that there's no Starbucks on the corner, not that I like the place, I detest it but normaly you can't walk two paces without tripping over one or at least a "Comming Soon" to an abandoned building near you sign.

I love Ice Tea as well the one thing I keep in the house all year round, I'd be lost without it.

I think that's so sweet of that young man to give you such a thoughtful gift, I think he secretely wants to sample your favours (big suprise!), I hope I don't have to come down there and sctatch his eye's out! ;)
Anonymous said…
Those of us who care about the environment are astonished to learn that the bobos of C.B. make Peet's runs in their cars! They're probably the same folks who drive their Priuses to the airport to hop on a transatlantic flight.
Anonymous said…
Don't know where in SOMA you are, but there are Peet's at Mission and 2nd, Mission and 3rd, Howard and 1st, and rumor has it, coming to 9th and Bryant soon.

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